Here are some highlights from the interview.
On getting laid:
"I think I get laid less now than I used to, because I'm way more paranoid now - look at f-cking Tiger Woods! I mean, I'm nowhere near as naughty as I used to be, partly because I did a lot of that when I was drinking."
On his commitment problems:
"In the last five years since coming out here, I've had two relationships. I'm not a big relationship guy. One of my vices is, I'm too wrapped up in myself and not always in a good way."
On holiday fun with Jennifer Aniston:
"Over Christmas she had a tree-trimming party that I went to. Yeah, I trimmed her bush... Shit. Please don't put that in."
On his anxiety addiction:
"I was born into a world of anxiety... I am slightly addicted to anxiety. When I'm feeling anxious, I'll create more anxiety for myself. Like I might call all these people about what's fun to do tonight and end up with four different options, which in itself would put me into a blind panic; but then I'll make another four calls just to make it 10 times more anxiety-ridden."
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